Here, we feature the latest scientific publications written and submitted to us by members of the MitoWorld community. MitoPapers labeled with a  feature an author produced PaperClip Video explaining the work and its broader impact on mitochondrial biology and beyond.

Scientific articles are written by scientists as a permanent record describing their experiments, visualizing their results, and interpreting what they believe those results mean. Papers like these have been anonymously critiqued and approved for publication by leading experts. These articles are research tools intended to be read by professional scientists to learn what is happening at the cutting edge of research. The results and conclusions within these papers are actively discussed and debated by researchers and are subject to testing and replication by other investigators. What you see here is science happening in real time.

The process of publishing a scientific paper is no easy feat. First, a research team conceptualizes, designs, and performs a series of experiments to answer a scientific question. This process can take anywhere from several months to decades to complete, depending on the nature of the research. Then, the team assembles the results in a carefully written manuscript and submits it to a scientific journal. The journal assigns the manuscript to an editor (typically a trained scientist with relevant expertise related to the topic of the manuscript) who initially reviews the work. If the editor deems it of high quality and interest to the journal’s readership, they contact multiple scientific experts to independently and anonymously assess the manuscript to suggest improvements to the work in a process called peer review. The reviewers’ comments can range anywhere from correcting grammar mistakes to requesting months of additional experimentation. If the authors can make the changes requested, they correspond with the editor until the editorial team and the peer reviewers are satisfied with the revised manuscript. Only after the authors have amended their manuscript to the standards of the peer reviewers and the editor can it published for posterity like the articles you see listed below. While not a perfect solution, peer review by reputable journals is the gold standard for maintaining the quality and validity of scientific results. The peer review experience can take months to complete after the lengthy process of conducting the research and writing a manuscript, and every paper you see here represents years of hard work and dedication by teams of scientists from around the globe to share new knowledge with the world.

Latest MitoPapers